Project's log

August 2021

The good practices map is coming soon: interviews conducted by partners of the project will lead to the creation of the first good practices sheets under a wiki format.

From interviews to a wiki

The interactive good practice map aims to showcase actors, digital achievements and tools that combine innovation with inclusion and improving the environmental impact of digital. We aim to create a wiki-like experience, with a standardized sheet for each new good practices. Partners will conduct interview with different actors to identify those good practices, and will fill a standardized document. This document will live on the dropbox for collaborative work (translation made by other partners) and further correction. Then, this document will be processed to automatically create a page on the platform.

Automatic creation

The excel file filled by interviewers will be processed to produce a JSON, a specific format easily readable by Gatsby that we use to generate our website under a static format (a format limiting the number of server request so we can reach our goal to lower our ecological impact). We can now sort and filter the good practices easily and display them as a list on the appropriate page.

Future steps

We will continue to produce more good practices sheet. We aim to open this part of the platform to contribution, just like any wiki. This feature still needs to be developped and will certainly take the form of a button "Contribute" or "Suggest Edits" inside the good practices sheets.