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Why microlearning is so effective in the digital age

Are you looking for a better way to reach learners who always seem to have a piece of technology in their hands? Look no further than microlearning. Microlearning consists of small and concise learning units for students to study at their convenience…

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The carbon footprint-free cryptocurrency is already a reality.

The bitcoin, the most famous virtual currency of the moment, is a currency without physical representation and it is not regulated by an authority. It is a new way of buying and selling through electronic transactions. The high energy cost required…

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From greenmarketing to greenwashing: the mask of some companies

Greenmarketing is the promotion of products, services or activities described as naturally safe or more environmentally sustainable. This type of practice was born as a reaction to the harmful effect of humans on the planet: in order to improve the…

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The Good Manager: Makes it happen

In September we organized a learning, teaching, training activity in Sofia, Bulgaria. These three days of exchanges of good practices, workshops, debates and reflections were great opportunity for the partners to benefit directly from each other's…

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The Good Manager: Creating the Internet of tomorrow today

3 reasons why digital accessibility and sustainability are web solutions of the future In a time of growing environmental concern and demands for greater inclusion of disadvantaged groups, new societal expectations have emerged which prioritise the…

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Digital activities and their footprint

Most of us assume that digital is inherently green. That's probably because we don’t see the processes behind digital activity. When we print out an email, read it, and then throw it away, we have a better sense of the energy used in printing, and…

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Alternative tools to reduce our ecological impact and ensure digital accessibility

We are now aware that our use of digital technology has an impact on the environment, energy consumption and therefore on global warming in general. To give just a few figures, 20 e-mails per day per user for a year create the same amount of CO…

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The Good Manager: Taking a more conscious look at our digital practices

This is a very contemporary project! Since it’s already been almost 10 months since teleworking became the norm in our western societies, we have had to adapt and for that, our use of digital tools has changed and evolved. We now use many tools…

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