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Notion 44

Learning from people with disabilities

Target skills

Become familiar with the important life lessons you can acquire from people with disabilities.

Even though people with disabilities may face several distinct challenges in their lives, there are various positive lessons that others can learn from how they lead their lives. People with disabilities can be particularly insightful because they make others consider their "life difficulties" from an alternative perspective. As a result, these individuals are able to achieve a lot in life and teach us lessons that we would otherwise take for granted.

What are some life lessons people with disabilities can teach us?

  • Being patient. Patience is a virtue we are taught from childhood. However, when you have a disability, you have a greater understanding of its importance. One reason for this is due to the fact that people with disabilities must wait longer to complete certain tasks than others.
  • Don't worry about trivial things. As having a disability brings a few adversities, many situations can present challenges. A person with a disability learns early in life not to let stress levels get too high. Otherwise, it would be challenging to achieve essential goals. Therefore, facing challenges regularly has meant developing the ability to prioritise what's important and what isn't.
  • Being different is an opportunity. Standing out from others can bring situations and opportunities that one may not experience in routine daily life. Being different allows a person to use their difference to raise awareness and convey important messages to others.
  • Don't judge a book by its cover. From just appearance alone, you can never know what a disabled person is capable of doing. Similarly, many people have an 'invisible' disability, such as a learning disorder. Therefore, the disability itself should never be used as a measuring stick to determine someone's abilities or qualities.
  • Fitting in is overrated. People that do not have a disability often rely too much on appearance, believing it to be a necessary factor for fitting into society. People with disabilities, on the other hand, embrace their differences and live much more freely instead of being confined to impossible beauty standards.
  • Always put things in perspective. Stressing about the little things in life is not healthy. The negative aspects can be disappointing, but we need to think about the bigger picture. You will find that many people living with a disability are more relaxed about the little things in life.
  • You don't need a perfect body to be happy. Disabled people are often more content than others who have not had to fight so hard for their happiness and the pursuit of a dignified life. In addition, they are much more serene than people who believe that having a" perfect" physique is the secret to happiness itself.
  • Enjoy life because it is short. Embrace the good things in life when they arise. Life brings ups and downs, and living with a disability carries specific lessons that people rarely experience.