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Inclusive project management

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Notion 14

Review of the main concepts

Target skills

Quiz yourself to determine your level of understanding about the role of people with special needs throughout a project lifecycle.

Now that we’ve gone over the main concepts about including people with disabilities in your project team, the benefits of this inclusion, as well as the importance of assistive technology and choosing the best location for user testing, take this short quiz to review what you’ve learned and assess your knowledge.

What can be done to make meetings more accessible for people with a learning disability?

Good job!

Wrong answer

All options are needed and important to have before and during a meeting to be sure that everyone can be well prepared and participate equally.

Being socioeconomically disadvantaged can limit an individual’s access to resources and participation in society.

Good job!

Wrong answer

Socio-economic status can impact each area of your life. For example, with socio-economic difficulties, it can happen that you don't have equal access to education, health care, income or even internet connection.

How you can support your students with hearing impairments?

Good job!

Wrong answer

Always remember that you have to offer additional support for students with different SLDs or disabilities. All options above can be a massive help for people with hearing impairments.

Electronic format will make it harder to provide materials in accessible formats.

Good job!

Wrong answer

You can easily combine electronic formats with reading software.

Removing strict time-based activities is one of the steps you can take to reach accessibility for participants with physical impairments.

Good job!

Wrong answer

Removing strict time-based activities such as allowing flexible start times of workshops is essential for people with the physical disorder as these users may require more time to arrive at venues.

How do you support people who can not speak the native language used in the workplace?

Good job!

Wrong answer

Easy-read refers to a way of presenting information in an accessible, easy to understand format.