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Notion 55

Datas about disability in the digital field

Target skills

Being aware of the reality of disabled persons inclusion in the digital field

Disability and Employment in Europe

The inclusion of people with disabilities in the labour market, especially in the digital sector, is still a real challenge today. Digital project managers and HR managers must be aware of the reality of employment for people with disabilities.

According to a french study by AGEFPIH about the employment of disabled people in Europe, 87 million people with disabilities aged 16 to 64 are registered in Europe. They represent 18% of this population. And more than one out of two people with disabilities declare that they have already felt discriminated against.

The activity rate of people with disabilities in Europe is lower than that of the general population: only 51% compared to 75% for people without disabilities are employed.
29% of persons with disabilities have a secondary school diploma compared to 44% of persons without disabilities
28.4% of persons with disabilities are at risk of poverty or social exclusion compared to 17.8% of persons without disabilities

Overall in Europe, people with disabilities are overrepresented in precarious jobs and low wages.
Some age groups are particularly concerned by disability, mainly because most people with disabilities become disabled at some stage in their working lives. For example, the labor force participation rate of people with disabilities aged 50 to 64 is considerably lower than that of younger age groups. In terms of gender variation, the labor force participation rate of men with disabilities is slightly higher than that of women with disabilities.

While the unemployment rate of working-age persons with disabilities is at least twice that of persons without disabilities.

Disability in digital work environments

Although the research by Reason Digital radical accessibility via Populus and Lloyds Bank UK Consumer Digital Index 2020 has been led in the UK, these figures give us some insight about the situation of European people with disabilities in digital work environments and their access to digital jobs. Disabled people are over 50% more likely to face barriers to accessing digital and online services than non-disabled people. 32% of people with an impairment do not have even the most basic digital skills. If you have an impairment you are 3 times more likely not to have the skills to access devices and get online.

According to another study by l’AGEFPIH which was led in France, more than 200,000 jobs will be available in the digital sector by 2025. In the near future, digital technology could account for two out of three jobs. Even if these figures do not illustrate the whole European digital sector, they highlight the undeniable fact that more and more digital jobs will emerge in the labour market at a global scale.

However, few people with disabilities are currently trying their luck in this high-potential field. The main reasons for this under-representation are a lack of awareness of the sector's opportunities, a stereotypical representation of disability by recruiters, and employment paths that do not sufficiently encourage to train for these professions.

Sources :

Europe : l’emploi des personnes en situation de handicap – AGEFIPH – may 2022 :

Emploi et handicap – Les métiers du numérique - Agefiph

Lloyds Bank UK Consumer Digital Index 2020 :