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Inclusive project management

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Notion 90


Target skills

Review of the main concepts presented in the notion.

Let’s check what you understood and remembered about this lesson on gender inclusion in project management!

Which of the following is the correct definition of “gender”?

Good job!

Wrong answer

The first answer is correct. Indeed, gender is a social construct built on the characteristics one associates with a female or male identity (for example, dance and pink for girls, motorbike and blue for boys). In fact, gender as nothing to do with biological sex determined at birth. But nowadays, it is still a common incorrect thing to say that a child born with female genital organs is a girl. Similarly, gender is neither related to a person's sexual orientation, nor to how a person expresses their gender identity.

Which of the following situations describe a glass ceiling situation?

Good job!

Wrong answer

All the situations refer to discrimination experiences by women or member of the LGBTQIA+ community, but the third one is the correct answer: glass ceiling is a limit that is unofficial but understood which prevents someone from advancing to a top position in a company or organization. The first situation is about wage inequality. The second deals with precariousness of employment for a woman combined with a traditional sexist view of the housewife. The last situation concerns employment discrimination.

True or False? Taking gender inclusion into account in business contributes to the fight against global warming.

Good job!

Wrong answer

Although these two issues may seem far apart, they are fundamentally linked. Indeed, it is essential to take a holistic approach and to understand that sustainable development issues evolve in a systemic way. The fight against global warming and the fight for gender equality and inclusion contribute positively to each other and cannot progress without each other. And businesses have a role to play in this process.

Choose the correct advice in terms of gender inclusion in a company.

Good job!

Wrong answer

All the proposals are correct. There is a list of advice in grain 89 you can apply to work on gender inclusion.