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Inclusive project management

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Notion 93

Communicate with the project team

Target skills

Raise awareness on the communication both between different hierarchical roles and between peers. Observe the social/natural/cultural factors that are at the base of workind roles.

How to keep communication flow on your team

Meeting regularly gives everyone an opportunity to be present while project activities and changes are being discussed and creates a level playing field by giving all team members a chance to voice ideas concerns and share status updates.

To ensure that meetings stay on schedule, do the following:
1. Create a timetable that the speaker has to follow.
2. Draft an agenda and send it to all team members prior to the meeting.
3. Ask team members to be prepared to discuss the agenda items.
3. Schedule the next meeting in advance, and keep a record of discussion items to be carried forward.

During the meetings you have to make sure you don’t leave anyone out. Sometimes questions and feedback are necessary to inlcude all the team.
In addition the language you use should be transparent, clear and concise. This kind of communication can avoid wasting other people’s time (and your own).
In the communication there should be respect.
People are put on project teams for a reason. Whatever their roles, all members serve an intended purpose and bring intrinsic value to the project. Regardless of title and position in the organizational hierarchy, all participants should be expected to show respect for their fellow team members and should be held accountable for their behavior.