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Notion 67

What are the bad practices?

Target skills

Being aware of the bad practices to avoid in a company.

As mentioned in previous lessons, it is key to understand what good practises are. But it is even more important to know what bad inclusion practises are in the workplace

What are bad practises?

In simple words, bad practises are things that should not be done or practises that should not be used. All practises that contradict the values mentioned in the previous lesson are bad practises

Here are some examples of bad practises in the workplace:

  • Work equipment that does not adapt to the needs of people and especially people with disabilities. Using a web design that is not intuitive and therefore difficult to understand only hinders productivity. And a design that does not take into account users' disabilities makes it difficult or even impossible for these people to work.

Countermeasures: Use Universal Web Design techniques to create an inclusive and accessible web and provide employees with disabilities with the technical tools they need. For example, AT -compatible devices, Braille displays, screen readers, and magnifiers or adaptive keyboards.

  • A workplace's design thast is not accessible. Designing a workspace without taking into consideration, for example, the minimum clear width for the passage of a wheelchair can contribute to accidents or cause harm in an emergency

In addition, the lack of adequate facilities such as accessible toilets violates human dignity. Courtney Free, an intern at an Australian law firm, for example, found herself in this situation: "I didn't go to the bathroom for several hours... the nearest accessible bathrooms were at least a five-minute drive away."

  • A lack of accessibility to the premises is also bad practise. The lack of a ramp or lift does not give people with reduced mobility the opportunity to get to work. Other examples include not considering whether there are well-lit surrounding streets so that employees can get to the premises safely. The lack of public transport close to the premises is also a bad practise.

Countermeasures: A building constructed following the principles of universal design

By avoiding these bad practises in the workplace, we give everyone the opportunity to flourish. Knowing that the workplace is prepared to accommodate all people makes it possible for oranisations to hire people based on their skills. It also allows them to enjoy the benefits of their unique contributions

If you would like to learn more about this topic, please visit the following websites

Assistive Technology Devices:

Creating an inclusive workplace:

Tips for companies/employers: