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Notion 60

What is an HR Policy ? 1. Disabilities

Target skills

Learning how an HR Policy is strutured and what needs to be in it

"In the EU, 30.1% of people with disabilities are at risk of poverty or social exclusion, compared to 20.9% of non-disabled people."

People with disabilities face many difficulties in accessing employment. Therefore, taking into account the notion of disability when developing an HR policy within your company is essential.

"The law of 11 February 2005 supplemented the 1987 law to reinforce equal opportunities, particularly in terms of employment of people with disabilities".

This law provides for various regulations to be respected, such as

  • Companies with at least 20 employees and more must employ at least 6% of disabled workers.
  • Companies with more than 250 employees must appoint a disability adviser within their structure.
  • The employer is obliged to declare all his employees every year. This rule applies to all types of contracts (full time, part time, etc.).

Some important rules to implement within your company for a better integration of people with disabilities.

  • Raise awareness among the whole team,
  • Break down stereotypes,
  • Reassure employees,
  • Active listening,
  • Setting up a training plan for the whole team (adapting the premises, dealing with disability, using adapted tools, etc.).
  • Ensuring that the policy implemented within the company is sustainable.